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Obstetrics and Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology

The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology offers an extensive range of healthcare services ranging from antenatal care to treatment for any female reproductive healthcare problem. 

Services & Facilities

  • Outpatient Services
  • Emergency Services
  • Labour Room & Gynaec Theatre
  • Epidural Analgesia(Painless Labour)
  • Neonatal ICU Facility
  • Madona SHMC Antenatal /Parent craft class
  • Madona Maternity package for Normal Delivery & Cesarean Delivery
  • Madona SHE Checks for Gynecology Health Checkup
  • Preconception clinic
    • Couple oriented counseling
    • Pre-conception risk assessment
    • Vaccinations
    • Managing chronic conditions
    • Health screening
    • Obesity
    • Underweight


  1. Adolescent Gynecologic Problem, Counseling & Treatment
  2. PCOD clinic & Endometriosis clinic
  3. Premarital counseling
  4. Treatment for Fibroids & Cysts
  5. Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Screening
  6. HPV Vaccination
  7. Breast Cancer Awareness & Breast Examination
  8. Sexual Health Counseling
  9. Dilatation & Curettage (D & C)
  10. Marsupialisation for Bartholins cyst
  11. Abdominal & Vaginal Hysterectomy, Pelvic Floor Repair
  12. TOT tape for Stress Urinary Incontinence
  13. Endoscopic Surgeries – Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopy surgeries
  14. Menopausal & Premenopausal discomforts, Counseling and Management


  • CTG Machine
  • Ultrasound Machine
  • Colposcope
  • Multi Parameter Monitors
  • Endoscope
  • Hysteroscope

Our Doctors