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Health Care

Behavioral Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences helps to improve the emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being of patients by providing effective, integrated mental health services with compassion, dignity and respect. The department is aimed at the development and also to deliver a select range of high quality, sustainable mental health services responding to patient needs and to promote mental health by encouraging and supporting healthy lifestyles and healthy environmental conditions. We have an integrated mental healthcare system providing clinical evaluation and treatment services for a broad range of disorders.

Facilities & Services


  1. Parental guidance for speech stimulation
  2. Developemental Therapy for infants and the preschoolers
  3. Prevention of developemental delay at risk babies


  1. Voice Therapy
  2. Articulation Therapy
  3. Stuttering Therapy
  4. Language Therapy


  1. Pure Tone Audiometry
  2. Speech Audiometry
  3. Special Tests (Tone DEcoy,SISI,Stenger)
  4. Paediatric Audiometry+Tympanometry+Reflexometry
  5. Hearing Aid Trial & Fitting
  6. BERA
  7. OAE


  1. Detailed IQ Test
  2. Learning Disability Test
  3. Attention & Concentration Test
  4. Neuro Psychological Test
  5. Memory Test
  6. Personality Assessment
  7. Developemental Test (DQ)
  8. Social Maturity Test(SQ)
  9. Emotional Maturity Test(EQ)
  10. Clinical Ratings
  11. Academic Aptitude Test
  12. Occupational Aptitude Test
  13. ADHD Test
  14. Attention enhancement
  15. Child Behaviour check list
  16. Autism rating scales


  1. Memory Training
  2. Behaviour modification
  3. Psychotherapy
  4. Relaxation Therapy
  5. Anger Management
  6. Stress Management
  7. Autism Management
  8. Assertiveness Training
  9. Learning Disability Management
  10. Social skill Training
  11. ADHD Management
  12. Occupation Therapy
  13. Social Skill Training
  14. Activities of daily living training


  1. Child Counseling
  2. School Counseling
  3. Education & Career Guidance
  4. Adolescent Couseling and Guidance
  5. Individual Counseling
  6. Pre-Marital Counseling
  7. Couple Therapy
  8. Parental Counselling
  9. Family Counseling
  10. Geriatric Counselling
  11. Pregnancy Counselling


  1. Mental disorders management
  2. Psychosomatic disorders management
  3. Sleep disorders
  4. Deperssive disorder
  5. Sexual disorders
  6. De addiction
  7. Post partum depression
  8. Cognitive retaining for post neuro surgery patients

Our Specialists